According to the correspondent of Rasa News Agency in Najaf Ashraf, Dar as-Sadiqin Press has recently published the eleventh volume of the Encyclopedia of the Jurisprudence of Difference, authored by Ayatollah Yaqubi, the Iraqi source of emulation.
The eleventh volume of the book encompasses a broad reasoning discussion on the religious methods of observing the crescent at the beginning of each month and other related ways based on the views of the past and contemporary scholars.
The book specifically deals with the jurisprudential views on the observation of the crescent of the new month and answers the related problems, and finally it concludes that those countries with the same horizon observe the same crescent at the beginning of the new months, and finally, it deals with four secondary issues:
- At the beginning of each month, the crecent of the new month should be observable with the naked eye;
- In case the Islamic ruler determines the new month has started, Muslims are required to follow this rule;
- Each country should separately observe the crescent at the beginning of the new months;
- Dealing with the rule on the fasting of the captivated and imprisoned Muslims.
Rasa News Agency